• admin@attorneysrealtime.com
  • +1(248) 508 0952

Vehicle Stop By Law Enforcement

If you are driving and are stopped by law enforcement, what would you do? There might be an officer who’d like to question your intentions. Instead of talking with law enforcement without knowing your full rights as a citizen, why not just log on to the A.R.T. app and select a live attorney that will appear on video chat to represent you in this law enforcement interaction while you’re being temporarily detained and questioned by law enforcement, to oversee the entire interaction. Also, if you want the attorney to just monitor the interaction between you and law enforcement during the interaction, without full legal representation, this option is also available.

Preserve your full rights as a citizen and be smart by downloading the A.R.T. app, where a live attorney will appear on video chat to represent you or monitor this law enforcement interaction.

Non-Vehicle Law Enforcement Interaction

For non-vehicle law enforcement interactions where you’re being stopped and questioned by law enforcement, such as pedestrian violations (i.e. ‘jaywalking’), disorderly conduct, trespassing, loitering, public intoxication, etc., there is a potential in being involved in a tenuous situation with law enforcement, in which a person may be unaware of their full rights as a citizen, potentially resulting in negative consequences to the citizen. In this case, it is never a bad idea to have an attorney by your side available by video chat, to either monitor or legally represent you in this interaction.

    Legal Advice/Questions

    Medical Malpractice

    Medical Malpractice

    Medical Malpractice

    The laws around medical malpractice claims are complex. If you ever find yourself having difficulties in a situation caused out of a doctor’s negligence, it is critical that you approach a medical malpractice attorney as soon as possible. Many people are unaware they have the right to claim and possess potential compensation. The attorneys available on the A.R.T. app will use every minute to detail, investigate and evaluation the error in your medical case. A case will then be assessed for potentially the best negotiation and settlement.




    Filing a divorce can represent a new brighter chapter in your life. The decision to part ways can present a tremendous amount of stress, especially when you’re confused about the process and lack direction without reliable legal representation. An attorney available on the A.R.T. app will work with you while you deal with the most important aspects of your separation. They’ll help you assess your financial securities, custody and securing child support.

    Social Security/Disability

    Social Security/Disability

    Social Security/Disability

    Often, the application process of the disability can be overwhelming. It is important for you to hire an experienced attorney dealing with the Social Security Administration (SSA) as they handle the various issues that may arise throughout the application process.




    Bankruptcy is a complex procedure that will require you to take important decisions during the procedure, while you discharge your debts. A knowledgeable bankruptcy attorney will guide you throughout the process and help you with all the paperwork and procedure. The experienced attorneys on the A.R.T. app will help you find your way out the complexities of bankruptcy.

    Real Estate / Landlord-Tenant

    Real Estate / Landlord-Tenant

    Real Estate / Landlord-Tenant

    Lord-tenant and real estate disputes can become complex and troublesome. However, there are certain laws and procedures that can advise the tenant on their rights or be beneficial to the landlord if they are dealing with non-paying tenants. Also, if there is an interest by the client to purchase real estate with an attorney creating and managing the purchase agreement, instead of a conventional real estate agent, these services may also be provided by an attorney. Get on the A.R.T. app, as our attorneys are experienced in landlord/tenant and real estate law matters.

    Intellectual Property

    Intellectual Property

    Intellectual Property

    Intellectual property is violated constantly around the world. There is potential of someone selling or stealing a business secret, plagiarizing, or selling a patented item and initiating a business using your trademark. An attorney is critically needed in such cases. They can get you compensation for the use or sold work and cease the offending business right away through legal procedures.

    Traffic Accidents

    Given the yearly number of traffic accidents that occur, many of them involved injuries. This can be out of the inattentiveness of either the rider/driver or the other person and vehicle involved. In any case, having an attorney by video chat for guidance through this stressful dealing can provide a reassuring resource to manage this interaction.

    Home Searches/Raids By Enforcement

    Raids and home searches require a warrant by law enforcement. With the A.R.T. app, the
    attorney can be available via video chat to monitor or legally represent you during this law
    enforcement interaction.

    Download Now

    ART app is available for iPhone and Android phones on App Store or Play Store.
    Download now and begin using in seconds.

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