• admin@attorneysrealtime.com
  • +1(248) 508 0952

Who we are

Connecting attorneys and clients instantly by video chat, in times of immediate need.

Whether you’re stopped for a minor traffic violation by law enforcement, or are facing a more intrusive vehicle search by law enforcement, always preserve your right to an attorney by accessing the A.R.T. app to find a lawyer on call to provide service during this event. There are two types of services the attorney can provide in these instances:

During a law enforcement interaction in these types of scenarios, an attorney can be available to fully represent you to law enforcement, while you preserve your constitutional right to silence and legal representation.


During a law enforcement interaction in these types of scenarios, an attorney can be available to provide a monitoring service to oversee your interaction with law enforcement, to ensure your constitutional rights are being preserved. With this service, the attorney ‘online’ wouldn’t necessarily engage law enforcement, but would be visually available on the client’s device to enable the attorney to see and hear what is transpiring between the client and law enforcement.

NOTE: The monitoring service would normally be provided at a less expensive rate, relative to if the attorney were to provide full legal representation by video chat with law enforcement.

Connecting attorneys and clients instantly by video chat, where legal advice and questions are answered.
Considering starting a new business, focusing on closing a real estate transaction, or facing the disruptive nature of divorce and child custody, the A.R.T. app allows you to find an attorney (whether they are ‘online’ or ‘offline’), to provide counsel to any or your legal questions, where you would just pay-by-the-minute for the attorneys legal help to your questions or concerns. If you want to request a consultation with an attorney, where they may be currently ‘offline’ at that given time, then just simply use the app to set an alternative time in the future, where the attorney will be present to serve you.

Are you currently involved in a vehicle accident, whether it involves an injury or of the non-injury type? Have an attorney available immediately by video chat to ensure your legal rights are preserved for any potential litigation stemming from the accident.

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